Annual Freshman Tailgate: Food, games, fun


Photo by Seyla Ray

The festivities were meant to give freshmen a taste of their new life in high school through their peers. "[The Tailgate] shows the freshmen how to get involved and be a part of the school spirit," said Smith-Weller. "From there, they will attend [more] football games, where we'll have a big student section.

Smith-Weller explained that students who attended the Tailgate had the opportunity to meet other students their age. "They might meet a friend, one who was more outgoing than them, and the outgoing person could lead them around and get them more involved," she said.

"This year, we did prizes, so freshmen had a chance at winning free Plainfield merchandise, like hats and shirts. This event was to get them involved and to encourage school spirit."

Story by Aria Glover, Henry Wielenberg and Christin Gregory