Club 361 update
Since their startup first semester, Club 361 has grown immensely and made a big impact not only on students but on the community too. "Club 361 has only continued to grow as the year has progressed. There are currently 90+ members signed up for Club 361 from all walks of life," said Club Sponsor and School Resource Officer Josh Jellison. "Many kids have found their people and made friends while also helping their community." For the community, the club has helped with the Sat-Terror Day Festival by setting up a booth for kids to trick or treat and helped set up the Lights for Plainfield. Club members also helped with a cookie fundraiser for the Hendricks County Animal Shelter. "K9 Newt was able to deliver a $520.00 check made from those funds to the Hendricks County Animal Shelter," said Officer Jellison. "With some of the money that Club 361 has earned, we were able to shop for Sheltering Wings and deliver a large amount of supplies that Sheltering Wings was in need of. Sheltering Wings provides emergency housing, life skills programs and prevention for survivors of domestic violence."
Because Club 361 is constantly growing, so is the hope for growth and continuous participation in the school and in the community. "Our biggest hope is that we can all work together to make Hendricks County better and that students will find the gift of giving back to the community a very valuable lesson," said Officer Jellison. "Club 361 is only continuing to grow and more opportunities will arise. We are looking at programs such as the Unbreakable Athletics Academy - Athlete Builder for students who are serious about their mental and physical well being." Some upcoming activities include: a crime scene workshop which will happen with the help of the Plainfield Fire Department and Police Department in April. The Fire Department will also teach students how to perform vehicle extrications. This event will be held on April 12.
Be sure to join the club and help with its continued growth and positive influence on both the school and the community.
Story by Christin Gregory