DECA Sponsoring Christmas Family


DECA Club volunteers for kids in need of all ages. This month, their volunteering is targeted toward getting Christmas gifts for children, an event they have participated in for six years. Club members collected donations from November 8 to November 28.

DECA Sponsor Megan Craft explained who the children are that receiving the gifts. "The families we are helping are families with children in the Hendricks County School Corporations," said Craft. "EEW [Eli Eddie Welch] get referrals from guidance counselors at the participating schools."

The children receive these gifts through EEW. "EEW drops off the gifts/donations to the families homes in order to keep the families identities confidential," said Craft. "Plainfield DECA is responsible for collecting donations, sorting donations by various family needs and then wrapping and preparing those donations for delivery."

"DECA is volunteering for this cause because there are people in need and we are more than able to help," said DECA club member senior Ruby Woodson. "There are quite a few students in DECA who want to volunteer in the community and this opportunity is perfect for students to get more involved."

Woodson noted what she has learned from volunteering and the benefits of teamwork. "I have learned how easy it is to better benefit the community through teamwork," said Woodson. "When people are gathered together, a lot can be accomplished."

Story by Lillian Coffin