New Assistant Principal Neil Linville
After 10 years of service at Plainfield High School, Assistant Principal Michael Menser is making a big shift to teach business at the middle school.
But PHS won't be left without a principal, as new Assistant Principal Neil Linville will be taking over by next school year. Linville comes from Avon High School, where he was the Dean of Students for a much larger student body and worked with a much larger group of teachers.
"While I have enjoyed my time at Avon, I'm looking forward to working more closely with a smaller leadership team and assisting with whatever is needed," said Linville. "I have heard from friends and educators who have had students attend PHS say nothing but great things about this school."

Linville hopes to build up a good rapport with both students and teachers alike, and his years of experience in the classroom help him to be the most supportive administrator he can be. "I am most looking forward to meeting the students and staff and to begin to forge relationships so that I can be the best support I can be for all," stated Linville. "Just like Mr. Cooney, Mr. Schwanekamp, Mr. Rodkey and Ms. Giesting, I will be everywhere to support students and staff in and out of the classroom."
So, next year, don't be surprised if Linville is out and about at football games or choir concerts, or attending musicals and plays. "It's exciting to become part of PHS, a school that has a powerhouse reputation in learning, athletics, performing arts, community and so much more," said Linville.
Story by Connor Burress