President's Day
On February 19, 2024, all students and staff observed a three day weekend due to Presidents Day, a federal holiday first celebrated unofficially in 1879 by then-president Rutherford B. Hayes. Although many view it as another day to get off of work, the day holds much more sentimental and historical significance than many would have thought.
"It was formed to celebrate and honor our very first president, who was unanimously very, very popular, served two terms and, of course, was a hero in the American Revolution," said history teacher Christina Wilburn. "He stepped down from power even though he could have continued. Over time, it became a federal holiday."
Although the day is dedicated to George Washington's birth, it is held a few days prior to his actual birthdate. Back before the day became a federal holiday, Americans took off the actual birthdate of Washington, February 22, to recognize his accomplishments. However, when it eventually became a federal holiday, it was moved to February 19 in order to also celebrate president Lincoln's birthday, which is around two weeks prior to Washington's.

As many people forget the true meaning of President's Day, some still celebrate the holiday as intended, and encourage others to do the same. For Wilburn and many others, it is the latter.
"If you're talking to an American U.S. History teacher," said Wilburn, "they're going to be like, 'Yes, we should celebrate!' It's a great holiday to look back on the wonderful accomplishments of our country."
Story by Cameron Haughawout