Publications' Social Media Starts Again


Wanting something new and fresh from Publications? Looking for an inside scoop on what it's like to be in publications? Look no further than the PHS Publications' social media accounts.

The PHS Publications Instagram supplies its viewers with details regarding new stories, yearbook sales, other social media posts, and occasionally, polls and interactive activities. In short, it is a place to get more straight-forward and serious information involving publications-related activities.

Looking for a goofier side of things? The PHS Publications TikTok might be what one needs. A new creation, the TikTok is a place to see how Publications fares with new trends and video styles, with mostly funny videos for the viewers pleasure. Run by staff members seniors Cameron Haughawout and Seyla Ray, the idea came to them when brainstorming ideas for a way to get the word about Publications out there.

Whether it's Instagram or TikTok, Publications posts regularly on both platforms to keep interaction with students, in or outside a school setting. For more information about these platforms, look around the school for QR codes linking to the social media platforms.

Written by Cameron Haughawout