White Out shirts prove popular, with over 300 sold


Next football game theme: Jail Break

Photo by Lillian Coffin

The first football game for the year is in the books – with the White Out theme being deemed a success.

The Quaker Corner offered White Out shirts for $5 the week prior to the game, selling over 300 total shirts.

"With this particular shirt, we were trying to mimic the Penn State White Out," said business teacher Jeffery McKeon. "That is where the whole stadium wears white. We couldn't get the whole stadium, but if we can get the whole home side, it would be a success."

Wearing the white shirts for the White Out theme was the first of several theme days that fans will be able to participate in. "Fan participation plays a huge role," said McKeon, regarding the game itself. "Maybe not in every play, but in the pressure situations and in close games, the home fans can give that extra boost," he explained. "That is why it is called 'home field advantage.'"

McKeon added that sales had been good. "[The first home game] is when spirits are the highest for the season," he said. "The Quaker Corner theme shirts typically get a positive reaction."

The next football game theme is Jail Break, and the Quaker Corner will once again be selling T-shirts. Keep watching for additional information about the theme, game and shirt sale soon.

Story by Arob Altower and Ruth Craig